Restricted Purchases

Updated by Sandy

Policy Update: Restrictions on Purchasing One Piece & Pokemon Carton Boxes and High-Value Trading Cards

To protect our customers from scams and counterfeit items, we will no longer purchase the following from second-hand platforms like Yahoo Auctions, Mercari, and Fril:

Items We No Longer Purchase:

  • One Piece & Pokémon Carton Boxes – We’ve received multiple reports of fraudulent listings where sellers open the packages, remove the original items, take out any bonus or special cards, and replace them with fake or incorrect products and reseal them before selling. Due to the high risk, we will no longer purchase these from second-hand platforms.
  • Trading Cards Over 50,000 Yen – Many high-value trading cards sold on these platforms have been found to be counterfeit, altered, or tampered with. To ensure the authenticity and quality of purchases, we will no longer buy trading cards exceeding this price from second-hand marketplaces.

We've made this decision after receiving multiple reports of scams and unreliable sellers. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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