How long does shipping take?

International Shipping from Japan

Shipping times depend on which shipping methods you choose. All methods include a tracking number that is sent to you by email after the package ships so you can see your package's progress.

Due to COVID-19, we expect that all shipments will take longer than usual to arrive, please allow an additional 1-4 weeks for delivery depending on your selected method.

Shipping Method

Delivery Time (Estimate)

EMS (Express Mail Service)

about 2-5 days


usually 7-9 days

SAL (Surface Airlift)

2-6 weeks

FedEx Economy

2-5 days

FedEx Priority

about 1-4 days


2-5 days

Seamail (Surface Mail)

1-3 months

Shipping times are estimates based on post office averages. Actual shipping times may vary depending on your country.

The most common reason for slow delivery is when packages are delayed by customs authority upon arrival in your country.

Estimated delivery times are provided by carriers and may vary based on customs processing, airline schedules, shipping volume, and other factors. We do not guarantee specific delivery dates. For time-sensitive deliveries, please consider premium shipping options.

Inbound Shipping (from the merchant to White Rabbit)

Shipments within Japan usually arrive in under three business days. But for smaller shops or made-to-order items, it may take a week or more.

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