How to submit a service request (Photo, split, Abandon)?

Updated by Sandy

Requesting a Photo:

  1. In the Packages section, click View details for the selected package
  2. Click on Photo option to initiate a photo request.
  3. A pop-up will appear where you can specify the kind of photos you want. You can request detailed photos of your package or items.
  4. Confirm the photo request. Please note that there is a fee for up to 5 photos.

Splitting Your Package

  1. In the Packages section, click View details for the selected package.
  2. Click on Split option to divide your package.
  3. In the pop-up, provide instructions on how you'd like us to split your package.
  4. Confirm the split request. There is a fee per new package created from the split.

Disposing of Your Package or Specific Items

  1. In the Packages section, click View details for the selected package.
  2. Click on Abandon to start the disposal process.
  3. You will see a pop-up where you can choose to dispose of the whole package or select specific items for disposal.
  4. Confirm your disposal request.
Before making any of these requests, please review our pricing details at Japan Rabbit Pricing to understand the costs associated with these services.
We cannot offer refunds for items you choose to dispose of. For more information on our disposal policy, please visit Japan Rabbit Help Article on Item Disposal.

By following these steps, you can easily manage your packages according to your needs. Our customer support team will assist you if you encounter any issues or have further questions.

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